Testing EU citizenship as “labour citizenship”


No. 558640-CITIZ-1-2014-

Jan 1, 2015 – Jul 31, 2016

EACEA – Europe for
Citizens programme


The project – Testing EU citizenship as “labour citizenship”: from cases of labour rights violations to a strengthened labour-rights regime – brings together 12 partner organisations who collect migrant workers’ testimonies of serious labour rights violations in the EU. The testimonies become basis for discussions on role of EU and national labour related institutions (labour inspection, labour offices, etc.) and laws (ex. public procurement directives, seasonal workers directive). The project is based on normative position that decent wage and working conditions are necessary in order to promote democratic participation of EU citizens. The objective of the project is to grasp EU citizens’ mobility both from perspective of economically weak regions as a source of work migration and places of destination where migration influences labour and broader social milieu. We emphasise concrete experience of migrant workers and seek to translate it to broader discussion on labour related future of Europe.

Project coordinator

Multikurni centrum Praha (Czech Republic)

Project partners

Polnischer Sozialrat (Germany)

Universita di Padova (Italy)

Diversity Development Group (Lithuania)

Ado Sah Rom (Romania)

Contact person

Karolis Žibas
Project manager
