The UniDiversity project launches Discrimination Reporting Network (DRN) platform

Have you been discriminated against / the victim of discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender characteristics (SOGISC) in the academic environment?
Have you witnessed discriminatory behavior based on SOGISC in the academic environment?
Help us record accurately and anonymously the extent, form, and characteristics of discrimination that takes place within the academic environment of the universities of Lithuania, using the brand-new Discrimination Reporting Network Platform (DRN), created by the project UniDiversity.
The UniDiversity project is implemented in Greece, Italy, and Lithuania, and funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Program of the European Commission. The project is coordinated Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. In Lithuania, the project is implemented by Vytautas Magnus University and Diversity Development Group.
The platform can be accessed in Lithuanian language via this link: here