Invitation to participate in the study of the project “DIGItal storytelling for Migrant Integration” (DIGIMI)

Diversity Development Group kindly invites to participate in the Focus group to share your experiences of life in Lithuania and your opinion on whether, and, if so, why it is relevant to share stories of migration and integration.
We kindly invite you to participate in the study if:
- You are from a non-EU country
- You live in Lithuania for more than one year but no longer than five years
- You hold a temporary or a permanent residence permit.
The duration of the Focus group: approx. 1 hour.
Date: 17th of March (the exact time will be negotiated).
The language of the Focus group: English.
The Focus group will consist of approx. 5 participants.
In addition, the participants of the study will have a possibility to participate in further activities of the project: development of an online learning platform and online learning tools related to the practices of ‘storytelling’.
If you feel that you would like to participate in the study, but do not feel comfortable to talk in the Focus group, you’re also welcome to get in touch, and we will arrange a One-on-One interview.
We ensure anonymity and confidentiality of the research participants. All information provided during the focus group will be anonymized – all your personal data that could identify you will be removed. The records will be used for the research purposes only.
If you would like to participate in the study, please contact our researcher Akvile Krisciunaite:
Phone: +37061404595
We are looking forward to meeting you!