The “DIGIMI” project has already started!

The project DIGIMI (DIGItal storytelling for Migrant Integration) has a key objective – the involvement of the local community to facilitate social integration for migrants through volunteering activities to provide support to third-country nationals in areas such as knowledge of the new local environment, “ways, customs and habits” of the new society as well as understanding of the latter through digitally narrated stories. Storytelling regarding present and past recollections, interests and hopes is associated with coping mechanisms, and recently arrived third-country nationals can exchange, compare and combine their stories with those of long established migrants and local populations in the affected partner communities.
Main outcomes:
- Integrate newly arrived thir
d-country nationals through in volvement of local communities and volunteering activities; - Strengthen the sense of belonging to the new society for migrants and foster an active role for them in the community at local, regional and eventually national level;
- Promote meaningful interactions between the local population and newly arrived migrants;
- Demonstrate that an effective and common EU social integration approach is possible.