The "Children First" project has been launched

The “Children First” project has already started! This DG Justice co-financed project aims at preventing and contrasting school-related gender-based violence with a focus on “dating violence”: violence perpetuated by adolescents whilst dating and prior to becoming adults and forming long-term relationships.
The overall objective of the project is to tackle gender-based violence in teen relationships by combating stereotypes & norms fueling dating violence. Specific objectives include building the necessary capacities of teachers & educators and introducing a relevant educational game to children, having thus the formal education system at the main field of intervention.
– Evidence on the views of children and youth on gender based violence occurring in teen relationships & on existing strategies & policies related to school gender based violence & abuse;
– Development of an accredited training programme for educators & teachers and pilot implementation;
– Development & delivery of an online educational game for children;
– Networking, dissemination & promotional activities.