International workshop | Connections of the past and the future: the academic knowledge of human movement in the Mediterranean region and beyond

You are kindly invited to join an international workshop “Connections of the past and the future: the academic knowledge of human movement in the Mediterranean region and beyond”.
The so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in 2015 has expanded the boundaries of Mediterranean mobility and has affected even the countries that were not traditionally considered as a part of it or in its circle. In the frame of emergency relocation scheme initiated by the European Commission the EU Member States have committed to express their solidarity towards the frontline Member States (Italy and Greece) and accommodate asylum seekers from these countries. Furthermore, the new Pact on Migration and Asylum establishes a mechanism for constant solidarity on relocation exercises among the EU Member States.
As People in motion project connects the past and the present, individual and community experiences to understand what factors shape contemporary representation of migration, the aim of the workshop is to discuss the connections and differences of the human movement and issues related to this phenomenon in the Mediterranean region and beyond between the fifteenth century and nowadays. Academics and practitioners working in the field of migration are being invited to discuss the resonance of the past events to nowadays, as well as what we could learn from the past and apply in the practice nowadays and in the future.
Date: September 23, 2022
Time: from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m
Place: Naktinis Vilniaus avilys (Vilnius st. 22, Vilnius)
The event will be held in English.
Please register by September 20th via this link: here
Full workshop program is available: here
Abstracts of the speakers can be accessed: here
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The workshop is organized by Diversity Development Group in the framework of COST action 18140 People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (PIMO).
We are grateful to Tolerantiško jaunimo asociacija and Naktinis Vilniaus avilys for providing a space for the event.