Children First | International conference on dating violence held last month

The Children First project consortium has been extremely motivated by your active participation in its first international conference on dating violence!
We are sincerely glad to see that even in these uncertain times, the focus on youth and education remains strong, and that we can count on such a vast cohort of professionals in our attempt to end gender-based violence from childhood.
We wish to remind you that the conference has been broadcasted on Facebook and it is still available at this link.
You can download here the presentations showed during the conference – they also contain details and contacts of the speakers of each session.
What can you do next?
- Take a look on our official website – in the “Online Resources” section you will find the materials already produced, including National and Comparative Reports about the state-of-play on dating violence and school-related gender-based violence in Europe;
- Download the beta version of the Children First E-Game on Android and iOS and test it! We will soon update it based on the feedback received and add the missing languages. We will keep you updated, hoping you will help us disseminate it among your network.
Coming soon:
- The E-game Guide and Toolkit for Educators, a tool designed to help teachers and educators to use the e-game with students;
- The E-Learning course for teachers, a theoretical and practical course aimed at strengthening teachers’ existing capacities and understanding on how to identify and tackle school-related gender-based violence;
- Piloting activities at local level – More than 150 young people and 350 school teachers will test the real-life scenarios of the game and the E-Learning course for teachers starting from April 2021;
- An Online Artistic Contest, addressed to youth (12-18 years old) and aimed at framing their understanding of relationships free of gender-based violence through an innovative creative-artistic form (e.g. audio-visual collages, short theatre or musical performances on DVD, poems, comics or photography) – To be announced in March 2021;
These materials will be available soon through our website.
In the meanwhile, follow our awareness-raising campaigns!