The 3rd annual Communication paper released


The consortium of the InterCap project has released its third and final high-level Communication paper, 2020. The document outlines the outputs achieved during the Year 3 – which is also the last year – of the project, and looks over the best practices mapped throughout the whole cycle of the project.

Coming towards the end of its mandate, the InterCap partners’ consortium concludes to have achieved its objectives at a great level. Up to this point, a total of 2621 users have registered to the InterCap’s e-learning platform; moreover, the project’s network for Community of Practice (CoP) successfully adapted online tools for organising and implementing two webinars which involved numerous participants and notable experts in the fields of global education and sustainable development.  Finally, the InterCap partners’ consortium and the representatives from the CONCORD Europe and ANGEL network held the third annual online meeting of the CoP Steering Committee.

Regardless of unfavorable circumstances related to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the project team used creative means to stay active and continued to address the members of its target groups.  The European Development Education Community of Practice expects to continue interacting after the end of the project, ensuring its sustainability and development.

Read the complete version of the 3rd annual InterCap Communication paper: here

