The fourth "InterCap" national training session adapted to an online audience

On October 16, Diversity Development Group in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University implemented the fourth and the last training session of the international project “InterCap”. Due to intensively deteriorating situation related to the Covid-19 virus infection rates, the training was moved to an online space and exposed both challenges and opportunities while adapting its traditionally face-to-face content to virtual audiences.
The session held by lecturer Jogaila Vaitekaitis was attended by a total of 16 participants, namely – by the teachers’ trainers and instructors from Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy. While generally “InterCap” online trainings programs do not exceed 4 hours, this threatened to curb the flexibility and comprehensiveness of the agenda and it was therefore extended to a full one-day program comprising of 9 hours. This proved both advantageous and challenging as, on the one hand, participants were enabled to conveniently and, most importantly, safely join the session from their homes; on the other hand, various technical issues were of relatively frequent occurrence and delivering assistance was not always as rapid and as effective as the coordinators of the session would have hoped. How to keep adequate levels of energy and concentration was another aspect of consideration since virtual learning sessions have proven to be more exhaustive that those held live.
While topics of migration, (in)security, sustainable development, and global education remained of central importance during discussions and interactive tasks held, participants were also introduced to new participatory learning methods, firmly supported by the “InterCap” e-learning platform as well as experimental online tools which served as an alternative model to interactive face-to-face assignments and opinion exchange. It is expected that the good examples of the new training modes explored will be applied while implementing the following “InterCap” activities, namely the workshops intended to be attended by the pre- and in-service teachers. The workshops are highly advised to be conducted by the training session participants in order to help them consolidate the newly gained competences as well as to support the sustainability aspect projected by the coordinators of the “InterCap”.
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For more information about the “InterCap” project activities see: project website and social media page
To access free, open and multilingual (translated to a total of 9 languages, including Lithuanian) “InterCap” project e-leaning platform, follow this link: here