NIEM National Coalition Meeting: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and migrants communities

In response to COVID-19 emergency situation, DDG with partners initiated an online national coalition meeting, which aimed to discuss impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and migrants’ communities and to identify some possible alternative solutions.
Main problems identified during the meeting were about:
• the problems in the labour market;
• lack of information in appropriate languages regarding the quarantine and it’s restrictions;
• lack of means for distance learning and communication with institutions, and family members;
• difficulties independently accessing Lithuanian governmental online service platforms;
• lack of access to personal protective equipment, and some others.
Organizations shared information about the ways they are providing support to refugees and migrants and discussed possible future scenarios and ways of providing much needed support.
An online national coalition meeting of representatives of different Lithuanian organizations working in the refugee integration area took place in the frame of project the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM).