End of the HOMBAT project: 180 school staff and teachers trained in Lithuania

Overall objective of the Combating Homophobia & Transphobia Bullying In Schools (HOMBAT) Project was to contribute to the prevention & combating of homophobia & transphobia (HT). One of the main aspirations of the project was to enhance the knowledge and improve the competency of school professionals employed in schools, and teachers, to address LGBT bullying and harassment and to raise awareness of available resources.
Research phase
At first stage, comparative research took place in in Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania. National Reports conducted in partner countries aimed at identifying the characteristics of discrimination and bullying on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the school environment (primary and secondary), and if and how it is being addressed in order to guide the development of the capacity building/training methodology. In addition, the National Report aimed at disclosing broader field of challenges, related to HT bullying in Lithuanian schools. For that purpose, secondary data, also quantitative and qualitative data were collected from different primary and secondary sources; literature review has been accomplished through 1) desk research. Eventually, the information was collected from students, school advisors, administrators, teachers and other relevant professionals (including professionals from LGBTQI organizations) and parents through 2) focus groups and 3) an online survey.
As a result, the English version of the Curricula, Trainers and Trainees Manuals were developed by project team and are common for everyone but the national ones (GR, CY and LT) are different, because adapted in the national languages for national context. This ensured nationally adapted but comparable trainings across the participating countries and the existence of a standard English curriculum and Manuals which were adapted and used by others to capacitate the educational community into managing sexual diversity in the educational environment.
Results of this step are the following:
- Curricula (Lt: Mokymų programa „Nematomos patyčios mokykloje – atpažinti ir įgalinti veikti?”)
- Trainers Manual (Lt: Gairės mokymų vedėjams)
- Trainees Manual (Lt: Mokymų dalyviams skirtos gairės)
Implementation of the trainings
To achieve this capacity building seminars (Training of Trainers) were organized in Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania. A significant number of school advisors and other school professionals (school psychologists, administrators, etc.) at primary and secondary level have benefited from the project results: 199 school professionals in Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania have built their capacity and awareness on combating homophobic & transphobic bullying in the school environment and have acquired the necessary skills and know how to be in a position to train other teachers in implementing such programmes (Trained Trainers). More concretely, 5 one-day-capacity building seminars were organized in Lithuania in which 65 school advisors and other school professionals were trained.
Along with the capacity building program for school professionals, special training seminars were conducted in Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania to develop the capacities of education professionals in recognizing and dealing with homophobic and transphobic bullying (challenging homophobic/transphobic prejudices and bullying, supporting LGBT young people, dealing with young people displaying homophobic/transphobic behaviour, involving parents and carers, etc.). More concretely 452 teachers at primary and secondary levels in Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania have been trained to be able to recognize and deal with homophobic and transphobic bullying in the school environment. In Lithuania 125 education professionals were trained in 8 seminars over all the country). The applied cascade training methodology helped multiply reach and impetus and further enhance the projects objectives.
For more information visit project website